Wednesday, February 4, 2009

praying and waiting

i've been doing alot of praying and waiting lately. And i've realized that God wants us to wait sometimes not just for the sake of waiting but in order to know what his will truly is. To give us a a chance to look at Jesus and see if we're really  showing a reflection of him. I've seen that I have not forgiven people in the past that have done me wrong or that have left me out to dry or that just didn't put in any effort to getting to me. I know that people are more busy now a days and have a ton of things on their minds. But what if we gave someone a little more time to converse a little more attention here and there. I think that I've cheated a lot of people like that so Im trying to forgive myself as I forgive others. Im trying to lose some weight of the things that should have been done at sometime but didn't quite get around to do it. We can't possibly get to know God better if we're holding baggage from our past. And we can't move forward in our life if we don't forgive and forget. If you imagine yourself looking at God and the blessings that he desires to put in your life, you can't possibly be looking back at the past and expect the blessing to come to you. Looking back gives the devil a stronghold in your life and he loves it when this is the case. Keep your eyes on God and tell satan to get behind you.